Wednesday 29 February 2012

Keeley Donovan - BBC Look North Weather

Keeley with the forecast from this morning and as an added bonus, from yesterday morning as well :-)

Jane Veitch - Daybreak Northern Ireland

Jane is the first presenter to feature on the new blog for three consecutive days.  And why not :-)

Kate Riley - BBC Look East

Kate having a ball on the 6.30 yesterday.  Well holding one, anyway...

Angie Phillips - BBC Newsline Weather

Angie with the weather for Northern Ireland yesterday...

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Judith Ralston - Reporting Scotland Weather

Judith with last night's forecast for Scotland...

Amanda Houston - ITV Anglia Weather

Amanda with the outlook for the East yesterday...

Sameena Ali-Khan - ITV Central

Sameena last night...

Caps by Steve - Woodlouse

Lucy Meacock - ITV Granada

Lucy with last night's Granada Reports...

Monday 27 February 2012

Lisa Adlam - ITV Yorkshire

It's a rare treat to see Lisa in the studio, as she was this morning with the Daybreak bulletins :-)

Jane Veitch - Daybreak Northern Ireland

Continuing our foray into Northern Ireland's world of regional news, here's the lovely Jane with the headlines this morning...

Victoria Davies - ITV Central

Victoria, here with sport presenter Lynsey Hooper, with the news yesterday...

Caps by Steve - Woodlouse